Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A lesson on being hated

Everybody should try to be hated by somebody.  Not really.  That was a joke.  However, being hated definitely is one of the biggest signs of respect that someone can achieve.  In order to be hated, you have to be really, really good at something.  Mediocre doesn't cut it, let alone terrible.
This is why nobody hates the Royals
Even the Cubs, who have a very "love 'em or hate 'em" fan base, aren't really all that hated.  People just enjoy making fun of them.  Similar to the nerdy kid in gym class, the Cubs are only a target because they have so many easy reasons to be picked on.
Actually a fairly successful Cubs play, as the ball stayed within the playing field.
You know you've reached the top when when everybody hates you.  Take Alex Rodriguez.  Major douchebag, quite possibly the biggest in the world (well, second after A.J. Pierzynski), but he's mostly hated because of his ability to hit the ball out of the ballpark.  Would people consider him such a douche if he wasn't so good?  Probably not.  He'd just be another annoying sports figure who wouldn't be worth the time or focus to hate.  In fact, the Yankees are an excellent example of this.  In the late '90s, early 2000s, hating the Yankees was the thing to do.  They won championships seemingly without lifting a finger, their fans were obnoxious, and their owner was a tool.  There were definitely more Yankee haters than fans of any other Major League team.  After the BoSox won the 2004 World Series though, the Yankee haters began to fall off the radar.  There were bigger fish to fry, and until the past year or two, nobody really gave much thought either way to the Yankees.  Similar story with the Red Sox and the Patriots - used to be underdog sweethearts, became perennial champs/serious contenders, became hated, started to fall off the map.

This doesn't apply just to sports, either.  The Dave Matthews Band definitely has as strong of a hatred following as a fan following, mostly because Matthews has a horrible voice, but also because their fans think they're good enough to annoy the rest of the world into hatred.  (Sidenote: Dave Matthews has a bad voice and great songwriting.  Jack Johnson has an awesome voice and boring songwriting.  Why have they not made a joint album?)  Why do some foreigners hate America?  Because we have a gazillion opportunities that these other places could never dream of having.  Why do people hate good schools?  Because they are the best at what they do. 
This man has a terrible voice

Being the best is never the only reason for hatred, but it is almost, or as, high as the other reasons.  The reason that a lot fewer people hate Chris Bosh than hate LeBron James is because Bosh is a middle of the pack big man in the NBA, and not a for sure All-Star talent.  Will he have a good year playing third fiddle to Wade and James?  Yes.  But he won't ever be the best big man in the league, let alone one of the best players.  James is the best statistical basketball player in the world.  Whether or not he's proven himself in the NBA (and I still think he hasn't), he has the most talent in the league, which is why so many people are so upset with him.  Yes he was a douche about the LeBronathon, and yes he deserted Cleveland, but nobody burned Chris Bosh jerseys in Toronto.  When Carmelo Anthony eventually gets traded, Denver will be bummed, but I don't think the level of hatred they have for him will be equal to the amount that Cleveland/America/western culture has for James.

The forgotten chapter
You have to do something stupid to be hated.  You have to be a tool to some extent, but unless you're the best, nobody will care.  A lot fewer people hate Terrell Owens than they did before he started sucking.  A lot more people hated Brett Favre when he was dominating in Minnesota than when he was mediocre with the Jets. 

You know you're big time when you have a hate following.  Martin Luther King Jr, Nelson Mandela, Napoleon, even Stalin.  They all posed huge threats.  They all were incredibly good at what they did, and they were all ballsy enough to be willing to piss people off in order to accomplish what they wanted.  People hate others who they think pose a major threat.  The people who can pose the most major threats are the greatest at whatever it is they do.  Therefore, we can only conclude that you will only truly be the best once you are the most hated.

As young Stuart Streit has pointed out, the absolute best are those that are too good and too respected to be hated (Derek Jeter, Wayne Gretzky, Jim Thome).  Unfortunately, this runs pretty much everything to shit, so just pretend you didn't read this.

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