Friday, December 31, 2010

A reminiscence, an objection, and an endorsement

Even though the Prairie State Cardinals of my backyard tennis ball baseball days won probably close to 7000 straight games, which is 6974 more than the New York Giants "record" winning streak in 1916, we receive largely hardly any recognition for our spectacular feat.  Is this a bad thing?  Hardly.  We were playing against imaginary opponents on a field with 30 degrees of fair territory and a 150 foot fence.  It can barely be classified as the same game.  None of my teammates with the Cardinals harbor any hard feelings about this, and the world has gone on without any sort of spectacular uprising.  I'm sure that if I contacted Major League Baseball about this feat they would brush it off without a second thought, and all of us know that this is the proper reaction from Bud Selig (I believe that's the first time that there would ever be a unanimous agreement with a Selig decision).  Even though the two games resemble each other on surface level, they are not the same, which means that the impressiveness of the feats are totally different.  That can be understood.

Why then, is the 90 game winning streak of the UConn Lady Huskies basketball team being compared to the legendary feat of John Wooden and his UCLA Bruins?  Even though both teams are playing basketball, it can hardly be considered the same game.  That's where my good friend Andy Romero comes in.  He's the author of the recently reinvented blog, Getting Domed, which can be found at  I believe this man is on to something, and, despite his disgusting quantities of chest hair, I would strongly suggest reading his work now, and in the future (be careful though, the man likes to make phallic references.  No pictures this far though).

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